Thursday, November 1, 2007

Thursday, September 27, 2007

just killing time

It's past 11 o'clock on a thursday night, I've been drawing caricatures all day. I needed a bit of a reprieve from it, so I whipped this off in about 10 minutes. A good way to kill time is to make zombie photos.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

experimental zombie

I think if I ever made a zombie flick, I would want my zombies looking something like this.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Zombie at work

A mindless zombie animating, that's pretty much how I feel when I have to do what some producers tell me to do, even when they say things that are completely stupid. And the producers like zombie workers. Zombies don't complain, or give input, or come up with better ideas than producers. Zombies just do the whatever is asked of them and smile.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Another classic blue toned zombie

My top 5 zombie movies of all time, in no particular order, are....1- DAWN OF THE DEAD 2004, 2- SHAUN OF THE DEAD, 3- ZOMBIE HONEYMOON, 4- NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD (Romero's original from 1968), 5- RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD (1985).

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Zombie in a toga

Who invited a zombie to a toga party?

Monday, July 16, 2007

Zombie smiles

Even as a zombie, I'm all smiles.

China hat

This time I gave myself a zombie makeover with the more classic zombie look, bluish skin tone, sunken dark cheekbones, dark around the eyes.

Grey tone or color?

I am kinda diggin' the look with the zombie half of the photo in grey scale. I did the same thing with my other zombie posts, I guess the grey tone reminds me of "Night Of The Living Dead" because the film was in black and white.

CN Tower Zombie

Ever seen a zombie at 500 feet? You do the CN TOWER.

Thursday, May 31, 2007


And I lost my leg in this pic!


What would a zombie be without a zombie girlfriend? My girlfriend actually hates all things zombie related, but I have her permission to post her zombie photo that made. Her only comment was "Why is my hat zombified too?"

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

You lookin' at me?

I kinda like the black and white version on the bottom.


I just started this new ZOMBIE MAKEOVER BLOG. Why not? I like zombies.